It was always interesting for me, to know that how the form is getting rendered in alfresco share.As a beginner, developer start with customizing share-config-custom.xml where we are defining the forms for workflows, document types, aspects.Configurations for content type,folder type and workflow forms are the major things which is handled by share form engine.But there are other interesting things as well like validation handler,configurations of set(grouping fields) etc..It will be interesting to know, that when we are defining this in share configuration , how alfresco is using it internally.So let's begin.

There are multiple places from where. form is getting rendered.Few examples will be , Edit properties dialog,Edit Properties Page,Create Document etc..Apart from this, form can be opened by some custom actions as well(by specifying itemid ,itemkind and form id in argument).
This all things will call only one webscript which is responsible for rendering form, that is the webscript Form Component.Let's take a look on each file of this webscript.
As the name says its the webscript descriptor file.Nothing major to describe.
This file is defined under ,common-webframework project,It contains the java bean for injecting webscript.Below is code of it.
This file is defined under ,common-webframework project,It contains the java bean for injecting webscript.Below is code of it.
This file contains the code for java file, basically its a code of java baked webscript.It is too long file, So we will just go with some basics of it.Basically what this does is , it will get the form which we have defined inside the share-config-custom.xml or from any other form configuration file and than depending on the parameter which are passed from share UI.It will process the request and will pass it to the free-marker template.If you take a look at generateModel method, it is calling some other methods like getFormConfig(itemId, formId),getVisibleFields(mode, formConfig) etc..So basically ,what it does is, getting the form configuration from xml file and pass it to the freemarker template.
package org.alfresco.web.scripts.forms; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.alfresco.web.config.forms.ConstraintHandlerDefinition; import org.alfresco.web.config.forms.ConstraintHandlersConfigElement; import org.alfresco.web.config.forms.Control; import org.alfresco.web.config.forms.ControlParam; import org.alfresco.web.config.forms.DefaultControlsConfigElement; import org.alfresco.web.config.forms.FormConfigElement; import org.alfresco.web.config.forms.FormField; import org.alfresco.web.config.forms.FormSet; import org.alfresco.web.config.forms.FormsConfigElement; import org.alfresco.web.config.forms.Mode; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONTokener; import org.springframework.extensions.config.Config; import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigElement; import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.AbstractMessageHelper; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.Cache; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.ConfigModel; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.DeclarativeWebScript; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.Status; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScript; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScriptException; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScriptRequest; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.connector.Connector; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.connector.ConnectorContext; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.connector.ConnectorService; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.connector.HttpMethod; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.connector.Response; import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.json.JSONWriter; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; /** * Form UI Component web script implementation. * * Requests the form definition from the server, combines that with the form * configuration for the item being requested resulting in the form UI model * which gets passed to the FreeMarker engine for rendering. * * NOTE: The general approach to naming in this class is as follows: * - processXYZ: Logic * - discoverXYZ: Searching context for appropriate value * - generateXYZ: Creating model representations * - retrieveXYZ: Fetches data from another service * * @author Gavin Cornwell */ public class FormUIGet extends DeclarativeWebScript { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(FormUIGet.class); protected static final String PROPERTY = "property"; protected static final String ASSOCIATION = "association"; protected static final String PROP_PREFIX = "prop:"; protected static final String FIELD = "field"; protected static final String SET = "set"; protected static final String ASSOC_PREFIX = "assoc:"; protected static final String OLD_DATA_TYPE_PREFIX = "d:"; protected static final String ENDPOINT_ID = "alfresco"; protected static final String ALFRESCO_PROXY = "/proxy/alfresco"; protected static final String CM_NAME_PROP = "prop_cm_name"; protected static final String MSG_DEFAULT_SET_LABEL = "form.default.set.label"; protected static final String MSG_DEFAULT_FORM_ERROR = "form.error"; protected static final String INDENT = " "; protected static final String DELIMITER = "#alf#"; protected static final String SUBMIT_TYPE_MULTIPART = "multipart"; protected static final String SUBMIT_TYPE_JSON = "json"; protected static final String SUBMIT_TYPE_URL = "urlencoded"; protected static final String ENCTYPE_MULTIPART = "multipart/form-data"; protected static final String ENCTYPE_JSON = "application/json"; protected static final String ENCTYPE_URL = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; protected static final String DEFAULT_MODE = "edit"; protected static final String DEFAULT_SUBMIT_TYPE = SUBMIT_TYPE_MULTIPART; protected static final String DEFAULT_METHOD = "post"; protected static final String DEFAULT_FIELD_TYPE = "text"; protected static final String DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT_EVENT = "blur"; protected static final String CONFIG_FORMS = "forms"; protected static final String PARAM_ITEM_KIND = "itemKind"; protected static final String PARAM_ITEM_ID = "itemId"; protected static final String PARAM_FORM_ID = "formId"; protected static final String PARAM_SUBMIT_TYPE = "submitType"; protected static final String PARAM_SUBMISSION_URL = "submissionUrl"; protected static final String PARAM_JS = "js"; protected static final String PARAM_ERROR_KEY = "err"; protected static final String CONSTRAINT_MANDATORY = "MANDATORY"; protected static final String CONSTRAINT_LIST = "LIST"; protected static final String CONSTRAINT_LENGTH = "LENGTH"; protected static final String CONSTRAINT_NUMBER = "NUMBER"; protected static final String CONSTRAINT_MINMAX = "MINMAX"; protected static final String CONSTRAINT_REGEX = "REGEX"; protected static final String CONSTRAINT_NODE_HANDLER = "Alfresco.forms.validation.nodeName"; protected static final String CONSTRAINT_FILE_NAME_HANDLER = "Alfresco.forms.validation.fileName"; protected static final String CONSTRAINT_MSG_LENGTH = "form.field.constraint.length"; protected static final String CONSTRAINT_MSG_MINMAX = "form.field.constraint.minmax"; protected static final String CONSTRAINT_MSG_NUMBER = "form.field.constraint.number"; protected static final String CONTROL_SELECT_MANY = "/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/selectmany.ftl"; protected static final String CONTROL_SELECT_ONE = "/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/selectone.ftl"; protected static final String CONTROL_PARAM_OPTIONS = "options"; protected static final String CONTROL_PARAM_OPTION_SEPARATOR = "optionSeparator"; protected static final String MODEL_DATA = "data"; protected static final String MODEL_DEFINITION = "definition"; protected static final String MODEL_FIELDS = "fields"; protected static final String MODEL_FORM_DATA = "formData"; protected static final String MODEL_FORCE = "force"; protected static final String MODEL_MESSAGE = "message"; protected static final String MODEL_PROTECTED_FIELD = "protectedField"; protected static final String MODEL_REPEATING = "repeating"; protected static final String MODEL_DEFAULT_VALUE = "defaultValue"; protected static final String MODEL_FORM = "form"; protected static final String MODEL_ERROR = "error"; protected static final String MODEL_NAME = "name"; protected static final String MODEL_MODE = "mode"; protected static final String MODEL_METHOD = "method"; protected static final String MODEL_ENCTYPE = "enctype"; protected static final String MODEL_SUBMISSION_URL = "submissionUrl"; protected static final String MODEL_SHOW_CANCEL_BUTTON = "showCancelButton"; protected static final String MODEL_SHOW_RESET_BUTTON = "showResetButton"; protected static final String MODEL_SHOW_SUBMIT_BUTTON = "showSubmitButton"; protected static final String MODEL_SHOW_CAPTION = "showCaption"; protected static final String MODEL_DESTINATION = "destination"; protected static final String MODEL_REDIRECT = "redirect"; protected static final String MODEL_ARGUMENTS = "arguments"; protected static final String MODEL_STRUCTURE = "structure"; protected static final String MODEL_CONSTRAINTS = "constraints"; protected static final String MODEL_VIEW_TEMPLATE = "viewTemplate"; protected static final String MODEL_EDIT_TEMPLATE = "editTemplate"; protected static final String MODEL_CREATE_TEMPLATE = "createTemplate"; protected static final String MODEL_TYPE = "type"; protected static final String MODEL_LABEL = "label"; protected static final String MODEL_DESCRIPTION = "description"; protected static final String MODEL_MANDATORY = "mandatory"; protected static final String MODEL_DATA_TYPE = "dataType"; protected static final String MODEL_DATA_TYPE_PARAMETERS = "dataTypeParameters"; protected static final String MODEL_DATA_KEY_NAME = "dataKeyName"; protected static final String MODEL_ENDPOINT_TYPE = "endpointType"; protected static final String MODEL_ENDPOINT_MANDATORY = "endpointMandatory"; protected static final String MODEL_ENDPOINT_MANY = "endpointMany"; protected static final String MODEL_ENDPOINT_DIRECTION = "endpointDirection"; protected static final String MODEL_JAVASCRIPT = "javascript"; protected static final String MODEL_CAPABILITIES = "capabilities"; protected static final String MODEL_PARAMETERS = "parameters"; protected static final String MODEL_MAX_LENGTH = "maxLength"; protected static final String MODEL_GROUP = "group"; protected static final String MODEL_INDEX_TOKENISATION_MODE = "indexTokenisationMode"; private static final String TYPE_INT ="int"; private static final String TYPE_LONG ="long"; private static final String TYPE_DOUBLE ="double"; private static final String TYPE_FLOAT ="float"; protected ConfigService configService; private MessageHelper messageHelper = null; /** * Sets the ConfigService instance * * @param configService ConfigService */ public void setConfigService(ConfigService configService) { this.configService = configService; } @Override protected Map<String, Object> executeImpl(WebScriptRequest req, Status status, Cache cache) { Map<String, Object> model = null; String itemKind = getParameter(req, PARAM_ITEM_KIND); String itemId = getParameter(req, PARAM_ITEM_ID); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(PARAM_ITEM_KIND + " = " + itemKind); logger.debug(PARAM_ITEM_ID + " = " + itemId); } if (itemKind != null && itemId != null && itemKind.length() > 0 && itemId.length() > 0) { model = generateModel(itemKind, itemId, req, status, cache); } else { // an item kind and id have not been provided so return a model // with a 'form' entry but set to null, this prevents FreeMarker // adding a default 'form' taglib object to the model. model = new HashMap<String, Object>(1); model.put(MODEL_FORM, null); } return model; } /** * Generates the model to send to the FreeMarker engine. * * @param itemKind The form itemKind * @param itemId The form itemId * @param request The WebScriptRequest * @param status The response status * @param cache Cache control * @return Map */ protected Map<String, Object> generateModel(String itemKind, String itemId, WebScriptRequest request, Status status, Cache cache) { Map<String, Object> model = null; // get mode and optional formId String modeParam = getParameter(request, MODEL_MODE, DEFAULT_MODE); String formId = getParameter(request, PARAM_FORM_ID); Mode mode = Mode.modeFromString(modeParam); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Showing " + mode + " form (id=" + formId + ") for item: [" + itemKind + "]" + itemId); // get the form configuration and list of fields that are visible (if any) FormConfigElement formConfig = getFormConfig(itemId, formId); List<String> visibleFields = getVisibleFields(mode, formConfig); // get the form definition from the form service Response formSvcResponse = retrieveFormDefinition(itemKind, itemId, visibleFields, formConfig); if (formSvcResponse.getStatus().getCode() == Status.STATUS_OK) { model = generateFormModel(request, mode, formSvcResponse, formConfig); } else if (formSvcResponse.getStatus().getCode() == Status.STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED) { // set status to 401 and return null model status.setCode(Status.STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED); status.setRedirect(true); } else { String errorKey = getParameter(request, PARAM_ERROR_KEY); model = generateErrorModel(formSvcResponse, errorKey); } return model; } /** * Returns the named parameter. * * @param req The WebScriptRequest * @param name The name of the parameter to find * @return The value of the parameter or null if not found */ protected String getParameter(WebScriptRequest req, String name) { return getParameter(req, name, null); } /** * Returns the named parameter, returning the given default * value if the parameter can not be found. * * @param req The WebScriptRequest * @param name The name of the parameter to find * @param defaultValue The default value * @return The value of the parameter or the default value if the * parameter is not found */ protected String getParameter(WebScriptRequest req, String name, String defaultValue) { // get the value from the webscript parameters, this should include all context // properties as well as all the mapped query string parameters String value = req.getParameter(name); // if the value is still null or empty use default value, if one if ((value == null || value.length() == 0) && defaultValue != null) { value = defaultValue; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Returning \"" + value + "\" from getParameter for \"" + name + "\""); return value; } /** * Returns the form configuration for the given item id and optional form id. * * @param itemId The form itemId * @param formId The id of the form to lookup * @return The FormConfigElement object or null if no configuration is found */ protected FormConfigElement getFormConfig(String itemId, String formId) { FormConfigElement formConfig = null; FormsConfigElement formsConfig = null; RequestContext requestContext = ThreadLocalRequestContext.getRequestContext(); ConfigModel extendedTemplateConfigModel = requestContext.getExtendedTemplateConfigModel(null); if(extendedTemplateConfigModel != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, ConfigElement> configs = (Map<String, ConfigElement>) extendedTemplateConfigModel.getScoped().get(itemId); formsConfig = (FormsConfigElement) configs.get(CONFIG_FORMS); } if(formsConfig == null) { Config configResult = this.configService.getConfig(itemId); formsConfig = (FormsConfigElement)configResult.getConfigElement(CONFIG_FORMS); } if (formsConfig != null) { // Extract the form we are looking for if (formsConfig != null) { // try and retrieve the specified form if (formId != null && formId.length() > 0) { formConfig = formsConfig.getForm(formId); } // fall back to the default form if (formConfig == null) { formConfig = formsConfig.getDefaultForm(); } } } else if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("Could not lookup form configuration as configService has not been set"); } return formConfig; } /** * Returns the list of visible field names for the given mode. * * @param mode The form mode * @param formConfig The form configuration * @return List of field names configured to be visible */ protected List<String> getVisibleFields(Mode mode, FormConfigElement formConfig) { List<String> visibleFields = null; if (formConfig != null) { // get visible fields for the current mode switch (mode) { case VIEW: visibleFields = formConfig.getVisibleViewFieldNamesAsList(); break; case EDIT: visibleFields = formConfig.getVisibleEditFieldNamesAsList(); break; case CREATE: visibleFields = formConfig.getVisibleCreateFieldNamesAsList(); break; } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Fields configured to be visible for " + mode + " mode = " + visibleFields); return visibleFields; } /** * Returns the list of visible field names for the given set. * * @param context The context * @param setConfig Set configuration * @return List of field names configured to be visible for the set */ protected List<String> getVisibleFieldsInSet(ModelContext context, FormSet setConfig) { List<String> visibleFields = null; Mode mode = context.getMode(); if (setConfig != null) { switch (mode) { case VIEW: visibleFields = context.getFormConfig().getVisibleViewFieldNamesForSetAsList( setConfig.getSetId()); break; case EDIT: visibleFields = context.getFormConfig().getVisibleEditFieldNamesForSetAsList( setConfig.getSetId()); break; case CREATE: visibleFields = context.getFormConfig().getVisibleCreateFieldNamesForSetAsList( setConfig.getSetId()); break; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Fields configured to be visible for set \"" + setConfig.getSetId() + "\" = " + visibleFields); } return visibleFields; } /** * Retrieves the form definition from the repository FormService for the * given item. * * @param itemKind The form item kind * @param itemId The form item id * @param visibleFields The list of field names to return or null * to return all fields * @param formConfig The form configuration * @return Response object from the remote call */ protected Response retrieveFormDefinition(String itemKind, String itemId, List<String> visibleFields, FormConfigElement formConfig) { Response response = null; try { // setup the connection ConnectorService connService = FrameworkUtil.getConnectorService(); RequestContext requestContext = ThreadLocalRequestContext.getRequestContext(); String currentUserId = requestContext.getUserId(); HttpSession currentSession = ServletUtil.getSession(true); Connector connector = connService.getConnector(ENDPOINT_ID, currentUserId, currentSession); ConnectorContext context = new ConnectorContext(HttpMethod.POST, null, buildDefaultHeaders()); context.setContentType("application/json"); // call the form service response ="/api/formdefinitions", context, generateFormDefPostBody(itemKind, itemId, visibleFields, formConfig)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Response status: " + response.getStatus().getCode()); } catch (Exception e) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) logger.error("Failed to get form definition: ", e); } return response; } /** * Helper to build a map of the default headers for script requests - we send over * the current users locale so it can be respected by any appropriate REST APIs. * * @return map of headers */ private static Map<String, String> buildDefaultHeaders() { Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(1, 1.0f); headers.put("Accept-Language", I18NUtil.getLocale().toString().replace('_', '-')); return headers; } /** * Retrieves a localized message string. * * @param messageKey The message key to lookup * @param args Optional replacement arguments * @return The localized string */ protected String retrieveMessage(String messageKey, final Object... args) { if (this.messageHelper == null) { this.messageHelper = new MessageHelper(this); } return this.messageHelper.get(messageKey, args); } /** * Generates the POST body to send to the FormService. * * @param itemKind The form item kind * @param itemId The form item id * @param visibleFields The list of field names to return or null * to return all fields * @param formConfig The form configuration * @return ByteArrayInputStream representing the POST body * @throws IOException */ protected ByteArrayInputStream generateFormDefPostBody(String itemKind, String itemId, List<String> visibleFields, FormConfigElement formConfig) throws IOException { StringBuilderWriter buf = new StringBuilderWriter(512); JSONWriter writer = new JSONWriter(buf); writer.startObject(); writer.writeValue(PARAM_ITEM_KIND, itemKind); writer.writeValue(PARAM_ITEM_ID, itemId.replace(":/", "")); List<String> forcedFields = null; if (visibleFields != null && visibleFields.size() > 0) { // list the requested fields writer.startValue(MODEL_FIELDS); writer.startArray(); forcedFields = new ArrayList<String>(visibleFields.size()); for (String fieldId : visibleFields) { // write out the fieldId writer.writeValue(fieldId); // determine which fields need to be forced if (formConfig.isFieldForced(fieldId)) { forcedFields.add(fieldId); } } // close the fields array writer.endArray(); } // list the forced fields, if present if (forcedFields != null && forcedFields.size() > 0) { writer.startValue(MODEL_FORCE); writer.startArray(); for (String fieldId : forcedFields) { writer.writeValue(fieldId); } writer.endArray(); } // end the JSON object writer.endObject(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Generated JSON POST body: " + buf.toString()); // return the JSON body as a stream return new ByteArrayInputStream(buf.toString().getBytes()); } /** * Generates the "form" model passed to the FreeMarker engine. * * @param request The WebScriptRequest * @param mode The mode of the form * @param formSvcResponse Response representing the form definition * @param formConfig The form configuration * @return Map representing the "form" model */ protected Map<String, Object> generateFormModel(WebScriptRequest request, Mode mode, Response formSvcResponse, FormConfigElement formConfig) { try { String jsonResponse = formSvcResponse.getResponse(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("form definition JSON = \n" + jsonResponse); // create JSON representation of form defintion from response JSONObject formDefinition = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(jsonResponse)); // create model to return Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(1); model.put(MODEL_FORM, generateFormUIModel(new ModelContext(request, mode, formDefinition, formConfig))); return model; } catch (JSONException je) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) logger.error(je); return null; } } /** * Generates the model that will be processed by the FreeMarker engine * and thus render the form UI. * * @param context The context * @return Map representing the form UI model */ protected Map<String, Object> generateFormUIModel(ModelContext context) { // generate the form UI model and add to the context Map<String, Object> formUIModel = new HashMap<String, Object>(8); context.setFormUIModel(formUIModel); // populate the model formUIModel.put(MODEL_MODE, context.getMode().toString()); formUIModel.put(MODEL_METHOD, getParameter(context.getRequest(), MODEL_METHOD, DEFAULT_METHOD)); formUIModel.put(MODEL_ENCTYPE, discoverEncodingFormat(context)); formUIModel.put(MODEL_SUBMISSION_URL, discoverSubmissionUrl(context)); formUIModel.put(MODEL_ARGUMENTS, discoverArguments(context)); formUIModel.put(MODEL_DATA, discoverData(context)); formUIModel.put(MODEL_SHOW_CANCEL_BUTTON, discoverBooleanParam(context, MODEL_SHOW_CANCEL_BUTTON)); formUIModel.put(MODEL_SHOW_RESET_BUTTON, discoverBooleanParam(context, MODEL_SHOW_RESET_BUTTON)); formUIModel.put(MODEL_SHOW_SUBMIT_BUTTON, discoverBooleanParam(context, MODEL_SHOW_SUBMIT_BUTTON, true)); String destination = getParameter(context.getRequest(), MODEL_DESTINATION); if (destination != null && destination.length() > 0) { formUIModel.put(MODEL_DESTINATION, destination); } String redirect = getParameter(context.getRequest(), MODEL_REDIRECT); if (redirect != null && redirect.length() > 0) { formUIModel.put(MODEL_REDIRECT, redirect); } // process the capabilities processCapabilities(context, formUIModel); // process the optional templates processTemplates(context, formUIModel); // process the fields to generate the 'fields', 'structure' and 'constraints' // properties of the model processFields(context, formUIModel); // detect 'showCaption' after 'constraints' were generated formUIModel.put(MODEL_SHOW_CAPTION, discoverBooleanParam(context, MODEL_SHOW_CAPTION, getDefaultShowCaption(context))); // dump the model for debugging dumpFormUIModel(formUIModel); return formUIModel; } /** * Returns default showCaption flag * * @param context The context * @return Default showCaption flag */ private boolean getDefaultShowCaption(ModelContext context) { if (context.getMode() == Mode.VIEW) { return false; } for (Constraint constraint : context.getConstraints()) { if (CONSTRAINT_MANDATORY.equals(constraint.getId())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Determines the "enctype" that should be used for the form. * * @param context The context * @return The enctype the form should use */ protected String discoverEncodingFormat(ModelContext context) { String submitType = getParameter(context.getRequest(), PARAM_SUBMIT_TYPE, DEFAULT_SUBMIT_TYPE); String enctype = null; if (SUBMIT_TYPE_MULTIPART.equals(submitType)) { enctype = ENCTYPE_MULTIPART; } else if (SUBMIT_TYPE_JSON.equals(submitType)) { enctype = ENCTYPE_JSON; } else if (SUBMIT_TYPE_URL.equals(submitType)) { enctype = ENCTYPE_URL; } else { enctype = ENCTYPE_MULTIPART; } return enctype; } /** * Determines the "submissionUrl" that should be used for the form. * * @param context The context * @return The submissionUrl the form should use */ protected String discoverSubmissionUrl(ModelContext context) { String submissionUrl = null; if (context.getFormConfig() != null && context.getFormConfig().getSubmissionURL() != null) { submissionUrl = context.getFormConfig().getSubmissionURL(); } else { String defaultSubmissionUrl = null; try { // get the submission url from the form definition JSONObject data = context.getFormDefinition().getJSONObject(MODEL_DATA); defaultSubmissionUrl = data.getString(MODEL_SUBMISSION_URL); } catch (JSONException je) { // just use the default submission url defined above throw new WebScriptException("Failed to find default submission URL", je); } // if a submission url has been provided use that otherwise use the default submissionUrl = getParameter(context.getRequest(), PARAM_SUBMISSION_URL, defaultSubmissionUrl); } // build the full submission url submissionUrl = getProxyPath(context) + submissionUrl; return submissionUrl; } /** * Returns the base path to the proxy to use * * @param context Contains the request and context path * @return The base path to the proxy to use */ protected String getProxyPath(ModelContext context) { return context.getRequest().getContextPath() + ALFRESCO_PROXY; } /** * Determines the "arguments" that should be used for the form. * * @param context The context * @return The arguments the form should use */ protected Map<String, String> discoverArguments(ModelContext context) { Map<String, String> arguments = new HashMap<String, String>(3); arguments.put(PARAM_ITEM_KIND, getParameter(context.getRequest(), PARAM_ITEM_KIND)); arguments.put(PARAM_ITEM_ID, getParameter(context.getRequest(), PARAM_ITEM_ID)); arguments.put(PARAM_FORM_ID, getParameter(context.getRequest(), PARAM_FORM_ID)); return arguments; } /** * Determines the "data" that should be used for the form. * * @param context The context * @return The data the form should use */ protected Map<String, Object> discoverData(ModelContext context) { Map<String, Object> dataModel = null; try { // get the formData section of the form definition JSONObject data = context.getFormDefinition().getJSONObject(MODEL_DATA); JSONObject formData = data.getJSONObject(MODEL_FORM_DATA); // copy formData into map JSONArray names = formData.names(); if (names != null) { dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>(names.length()); for (int x = 0; x < names.length(); x++) { String key = names.getString(x); dataModel.put(key, formData.get(key)); } } else { dataModel = Collections.emptyMap(); } } catch (JSONException je) { throw new WebScriptException("Failed to find form data", je); } return dataModel; } /** * Returns the value of the given boolean parameter. * * @param context The context * @param name The name of the parameter * @return The value of parameter, false is returned if * the parameter is not found */ protected boolean discoverBooleanParam(ModelContext context, String name) { return discoverBooleanParam(context, name, false); } /** * Returns the value of the given boolean parameter. * * @param context The context * @param name The name of the parameter * @param defaultValue The default value to use if the parameter * is not found * @return The value of parameter, defaultValue is returned if * the parameter is not found */ protected boolean discoverBooleanParam(ModelContext context, String name, boolean defaultValue) { String value = getParameter(context.getRequest(), name, Boolean.toString(defaultValue)); return ("true".equals(value)) ? true : false; } /** * Returns the field definition for the given field name. * * @param context The context * @param fieldName The name of the field to get the definition for * @return JSONObject representing the field definition */ protected JSONObject discoverFieldDefinition(ModelContext context, String fieldName) { JSONObject fieldDefinition = null; JSONObject propertyDefinition = context.getPropertyDefinitions().get(fieldName); JSONObject associationDefinition = context.getAssociationDefinitions().get(fieldName); if (propertyDefinition == null && associationDefinition == null) { // if a field definition has not been found yet check for prop: and assoc: prefixes if (fieldName.indexOf(PROP_PREFIX) != -1) { propertyDefinition = context.getPropertyDefinitions().get( fieldName.substring(PROP_PREFIX.length())); } else if (fieldName.indexOf(ASSOC_PREFIX) != -1) { associationDefinition = context.getAssociationDefinitions().get( fieldName.substring(ASSOC_PREFIX.length())); } } // determine if field was a property or association if (propertyDefinition != null) { fieldDefinition = propertyDefinition; } else if (associationDefinition != null) { fieldDefinition = associationDefinition; } return fieldDefinition; } /** * Determines the label to use for the given set configuration. * * @param setConfig Set configuration * @return The label of the set. */ protected String discoverSetLabel(FormSet setConfig) { String label = null; if (setConfig.getLabelId() != null) { label = retrieveMessage(setConfig.getLabelId()); } else if (setConfig.getLabel() != null) { label = setConfig.getLabel(); } else { // if there is no label specified in the config, // use the label from the properties file otherwise // use the set id if ("".equals(setConfig.getSetId())) { label = retrieveMessage(MSG_DEFAULT_SET_LABEL); } else { label = setConfig.getSetId(); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Returning label for set: " + label); return label; } /** * Determines the set membership hierarchy. * * @param context The context * @return Map of field name lists representing the set hierarchy */ protected Map<String, List<String>> discoverSetMembership(ModelContext context) { Map<String, List<String>> setMemberships = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(4); try { // get list of fields from form definition JSONObject data = context.getFormDefinition().getJSONObject(MODEL_DATA); JSONObject definition = data.getJSONObject(MODEL_DEFINITION); JSONArray fieldsFromServer = definition.getJSONArray(MODEL_FIELDS); // iterate around fields to determine what set they belong to for (int x = 0; x < fieldsFromServer.length(); x++) { JSONObject fieldDefinition = fieldsFromServer.getJSONObject(x); String fieldName = fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_NAME); // determine if this field should even be shown if (context.getFormConfig().isFieldHidden(fieldName, context.getMode()) == false) { // if its visible determine its set membership String set = ""; if (fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_GROUP)) { set = fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_GROUP); } FormField fieldConfig = context.getFormConfig().getFields().get(fieldName); if (fieldConfig != null && fieldConfig.getSet().equals("") == false) { set = fieldConfig.getSet(); } // get the array for the set and add the field to it List<String> fieldsForSet = setMemberships.get(set); if (fieldsForSet == null) { // setup array for the set fieldsForSet = new ArrayList<String>(4); fieldsForSet.add(fieldName); setMemberships.put(set, fieldsForSet); } else { fieldsForSet.add(fieldName); } } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Ignoring \"" + fieldName + "\" as it is configured to be hidden"); } } } catch (JSONException je) { // log the error and return the empty set if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) logger.error("Failed to discover set membership", je); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Set membership = " + setMemberships); return setMemberships; } /** * Processes the "js" parameter, if present. * * @param context The context * @param formUIModel The form UI model */ protected void processCapabilities(ModelContext context, Map<String, Object> formUIModel) { String jsEnabled = getParameter(context.getRequest(), PARAM_JS); if (jsEnabled != null && ("off".equalsIgnoreCase(jsEnabled) || "false".equalsIgnoreCase(jsEnabled) || "disabled".equalsIgnoreCase(jsEnabled))) { Map<String, Object> capabilities = new HashMap<String, Object>(1); capabilities.put(MODEL_JAVASCRIPT, false); formUIModel.put(MODEL_CAPABILITIES, capabilities); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("JavaScript disabled flag detected, added form capabilties: " + capabilities); } } /** * Processes the optional custom templates configuration. * * @param context The context * @param formUIModel The form UI model */ protected void processTemplates(ModelContext context, Map<String, Object> formUIModel) { FormConfigElement formConfig = context.getFormConfig(); if (formConfig != null && formConfig.getViewTemplate() != null) { formUIModel.put(MODEL_VIEW_TEMPLATE, formConfig.getViewTemplate()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Set viewTemplate to \"" + formConfig.getViewTemplate() + "\""); } if (formConfig != null && formConfig.getEditTemplate() != null) { formUIModel.put(MODEL_EDIT_TEMPLATE, formConfig.getEditTemplate()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Set editTemplate to \"" + formConfig.getEditTemplate() + "\""); } if (formConfig != null && formConfig.getCreateTemplate() != null) { formUIModel.put(MODEL_CREATE_TEMPLATE, formConfig.getCreateTemplate()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Set createTemplate to \"" + formConfig.getCreateTemplate() + "\""); } } /** * Processes the "fields" section of the model. * * @param context The context * @param formUIModel The form UI model */ protected void processFields(ModelContext context, Map<String, Object> formUIModel) { List<String> visibleFields = getVisibleFields(context.getMode(), context.getFormConfig()); if (context.getFormConfig() != null && visibleFields != null && visibleFields.size() > 0) { processVisibleFields(context); } else { processServerFields(context); } formUIModel.put(MODEL_FIELDS, context.getFields()); formUIModel.put(MODEL_STRUCTURE, context.getStructure()); formUIModel.put(MODEL_CONSTRAINTS, context.getConstraints()); } /** * Processes the fields configured to be visible for the form. * * @param context The context */ protected void processVisibleFields(ModelContext context) { // iterate over the root sets and generate a model for each one for (FormSet setConfig : context.getFormConfig().getRootSetsAsList()) { Set set = generateSetModelUsingVisibleFields(context, setConfig); // if the set got created (as it contained fields or other sets) // add it to the structure list in the model context if (set != null) { context.getStructure().add(set); } } } /** * Processes the fields returned from the server (the form definition), this * method is called when there are no visible fields configured. * * @param context The context */ protected void processServerFields(ModelContext context) { if (context.getFormConfig() != null) { // discover the set membership of the fields using the form definition Map<String, List<String>> setMembership = discoverSetMembership(context); // get root sets from config and build set structure using config and lists built above for (FormSet setConfig : context.getFormConfig().getRootSetsAsList()) { Set set = generateSetModelUsingServerFields(context, setConfig, setMembership); // if the set got created (as it contained fields or other sets) // add it to the structure list in the model context if (set != null) { context.getStructure().add(set); } } } else { // as there is no config at all generate a default set that contains // all the fields returned in the form definition Set set = generateDefaultSetModelUsingServerFields(context); context.getStructure().add(set); } } /** * Generates the model for the given set, this method also recursively generates any * child sets the given set has. The contents of the sets are purely driven by the * configured visible fields. * * @param context The context * @param setConfig The set configuration * @return The set model */ protected Set generateSetModelUsingVisibleFields(ModelContext context, FormSet setConfig) { Set set = null; List<String> fieldsInSet = getVisibleFieldsInSet(context, setConfig); // if there is something to show in the set create the set object if ((fieldsInSet != null && fieldsInSet.size() > 0) || setConfig.getChildrenAsList().size() > 0) { set = generateSetModel(context, setConfig, fieldsInSet); // recursively setup child sets for (FormSet childSetConfig : setConfig.getChildrenAsList()) { Set childSet = generateSetModelUsingVisibleFields(context, childSetConfig); set.addChild(childSet); } } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Ignoring set \"" + setConfig.getSetId() + "\" as it does not have any fields or child sets"); } return set; } /** * Generates the model for the given set, this method also recursively generates any * child sets the given set has. The contents of the sets are the result of combining * the form configuration and form definition. * * @param context The context * @param setConfig Set configuration * @param setMembership The set hierarchy * @return The set model */ protected Set generateSetModelUsingServerFields(ModelContext context, FormSet setConfig, Map<String, List<String>> setMembership) { Set set = null; List<String> fieldsInSet = setMembership.get(setConfig.getSetId()); // if there is something to show in the set create the set object if ((fieldsInSet != null && fieldsInSet.size() > 0) || setConfig.getChildrenAsList().size() > 0) { set = generateSetModel(context, setConfig, fieldsInSet); // recursively setup child sets for (FormSet childSetConfig : setConfig.getChildrenAsList()) { Set childSet = generateSetModelUsingServerFields(context, childSetConfig, setMembership); set.addChild(childSet); } } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Ignoring set \"" + setConfig.getSetId() + "\" as it does not have any fields or child sets"); } return set; } /** * Generates the model for the given set and it's fields. This method does NOT * recurse through any child sets. * * @param context The context * @param setConfig The set configuration * @param fields List of field in the set * @return The set model */ protected Set generateSetModel(ModelContext context, FormSet setConfig, List<String> fields) { // create the set from the configuration Set set = new Set(setConfig); // create and all the fields to the set for (String fieldName : fields) { FormField fieldConfig = context.getFormConfig().getFields().get(fieldName); // attempt to generate a field Field field = generateFieldModel(context, fieldName, fieldConfig); // if a field was created add it to the map of fields in the model context // and add a pointer to the field to the set's list of children if (field != null) { set.addChild(new FieldPointer(field.getId())); context.getFields().put(field.getId(), field); } } return set; } /** * Generates the model for the default set, this will contain all the fields * returned from the server. * * @param context The context * @return The set model */ protected Set generateDefaultSetModelUsingServerFields(ModelContext context) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("No configuration was found therefore showing all fields in the default set..."); // setup the default set object Set set = new Set("", retrieveMessage(MSG_DEFAULT_SET_LABEL)); try { // add all the fields from the server to the default set JSONObject data = context.getFormDefinition().getJSONObject(MODEL_DATA); JSONObject definition = data.getJSONObject(MODEL_DEFINITION); JSONArray fieldsFromServer = definition.getJSONArray(MODEL_FIELDS); for (int x = 0; x < fieldsFromServer.length(); x++) { String fieldName = fieldsFromServer.getJSONObject(x).getString(MODEL_NAME); // attempt to generate a field Field field = generateFieldModel(context, fieldName, null); // if a field was created add it to the map of fields in the model context // and add a pointer to the field to the set's list of children if (field != null) { set.addChild(new FieldPointer(field.getId())); context.getFields().put(field.getId(), field); } } } catch (JSONException je) { // log the error and return the empty set if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) logger.error("Failed to generate default set from server fields", je); } return set; } /** * Generates the model for the given field. The form definition from the form service * and the given form configuration are combined to give the field model to send to * the template for rendering. * * @param context The context * @param fieldName The name of the field to be generated * @param fieldConfig The configuration for the field * @return A field model */ protected Field generateFieldModel(ModelContext context, String fieldName, FormField fieldConfig) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Generating model for field \"" + fieldName + "\""); Field field = null; try { // make sure the field is not ambiguous if (isFieldAmbiguous(context, fieldName)) { field = generateTransientFieldModel(fieldName, "/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/ambiguous.ftl"); } else { JSONObject fieldDefinition = discoverFieldDefinition(context, fieldName); if (fieldDefinition != null) { // create the initial field model field = new Field(); // populate the model with the appropriate data processFieldIdentification(context, field, fieldDefinition, fieldConfig); processFieldState(context, field, fieldDefinition, fieldConfig); processFieldText(context, field, fieldDefinition, fieldConfig); processFieldData(context, field, fieldDefinition, fieldConfig); processFieldControl(context, field, fieldDefinition, fieldConfig); processFieldConstraints(context, field, fieldDefinition, fieldConfig); processFieldContent(context, field, fieldDefinition, fieldConfig); } else { // the field does not have a definition but may be a 'transient' field field = generateTransientFieldModel(context, fieldName, fieldDefinition, fieldConfig); if (field == null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Ignoring field \"" + fieldName + "\" as neither a field definition or sufficient configuration could be located"); } } } catch (JSONException je) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) logger.error("Failed to generate field model for \"" + fieldName + "\"", je); field = null; } return field; } /** * Determines whether the given field is ambiguous (a property and association * have the same name). * * @param context The context * @param fieldName The name of the field * @return true if the field is ambiguous */ protected boolean isFieldAmbiguous(ModelContext context, String fieldName) { boolean ambiguous = false; // check whether there is a property and association definition // for the given field name if (context.getPropertyDefinitions().get(fieldName) != null && context.getAssociationDefinitions().get(fieldName) != null) { ambiguous = true; if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) logger.warn("\"" + fieldName + "\" is ambiguous, a property and an association exists with this name," + " prefix with either \"prop:\" or \"assoc:\" to uniquely identify the field"); } return ambiguous; } /** * Generates a model for a "transient" field. * * @param fieldName The name of the field * @param template The control template to use * @return The field model */ protected Field generateTransientFieldModel(String fieldName, String template) { Field field = new Field(); // replace colons for name and id String name = fieldName.replace(":", "_"); field.setConfigName(fieldName); field.setName(name); field.setId(name); field.setLabel(fieldName); field.setValue(""); field.setTransitory(true); field.setControl(new FieldControl(template)); return field; } /** * Generates a model for a "transient" field. * * @param context The context * @param fieldName The name of the field to be added * @return The field model */ protected Field generateTransientFieldModel(ModelContext context, String fieldName, JSONObject fieldDefinition, FormField fieldConfig) throws JSONException { // we can't continue without at least a control template if (fieldConfig == null || fieldConfig.getControl() == null || fieldConfig.getControl().getTemplate() == null || fieldConfig.getAttributes() == null || (fieldConfig.getAttributes().get("set") != null && !fieldConfig.getAttributes().get("set").isEmpty())) { return null; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Generating transient field for \"" + fieldName + "\""); // generate the basic transient field Field field = generateTransientFieldModel(fieldName, fieldConfig.getControl().getTemplate()); // setup parameters, if present List<ControlParam> params = fieldConfig.getControl().getParamsAsList(); if (params.size() > 0) { // get the field's control FieldControl control = field.getControl(); for (ControlParam param : params) { // add parameter to field control control.getParams().put(param.getName(), param.getValue()); } } // apply any configured text processFieldText(context, field, fieldDefinition, fieldConfig); return field; } /** * Processes the identification part of the field model. * * @param context The context * @param field The field to be processed * @param fieldDefinition The definition of the field to be processed * @param fieldConfig The configuration of the field to be processed * @throws JSONException */ protected void processFieldIdentification(ModelContext context, Field field, JSONObject fieldDefinition, FormField fieldConfig) throws JSONException { field.setConfigName(fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_NAME)); field.setType(fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_TYPE)); String name = field.getConfigName(); if (field.getType().equals(ASSOCIATION)) { // add assoc prefix if missing if (!name.startsWith(ASSOC_PREFIX)) { name = ASSOC_PREFIX + field.getConfigName(); } } else { // add prop prefix if missing if (!name.startsWith(PROP_PREFIX)) { name = PROP_PREFIX + field.getConfigName(); } } // replace : with _ so it can be used as JSON/JavaScript key/property name = name.replace(":", "_"); // set the id of the field field.setId(name); // set name of the field (ALF-5146: escape any dots in the name) name = name.replace(".", "#dot#"); field.setName(name); } /** * Processes the "state" part of the field model i.e. disabled, mandatory * * @param context The context * @param field The field to be processed * @param fieldDefinition The definition of the field to be processed * @param fieldConfig The configuration of the field to be processed * @throws JSONException */ protected void processFieldState(ModelContext context, Field field, JSONObject fieldDefinition, FormField fieldConfig) throws JSONException { // configure read-only state (but only if the field definition indicates // that it is not a protected field) boolean disabled = false; if (fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_PROTECTED_FIELD)) { disabled = fieldDefinition.getBoolean(MODEL_PROTECTED_FIELD); } if (!disabled && fieldConfig != null && fieldConfig.isReadOnly()) { disabled = true; } field.setDisabled(disabled); // configure mandatory state (but only if the field definition indicates // that it is an optional field) boolean mandatory = false; if (fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_MANDATORY)) { // properties will have "mandatory" mandatory = fieldDefinition.getBoolean(MODEL_MANDATORY); } if (fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_ENDPOINT_MANDATORY)) { // associations will have "endpointMandatory" mandatory = fieldDefinition.getBoolean(MODEL_ENDPOINT_MANDATORY); } if (!mandatory && fieldConfig != null && fieldConfig.isMandatory()) { mandatory = true; } field.setMandatory(mandatory); // configure repeating state if (fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_REPEATING)) { field.setRepeating(fieldDefinition.getBoolean(MODEL_REPEATING)); } if (fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_ENDPOINT_MANY)) { field.setRepeating(fieldDefinition.getBoolean(MODEL_ENDPOINT_MANY)); } // configure association direction (if appropriate) if (fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_ENDPOINT_DIRECTION)) { field.setEndpointDirection(fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_ENDPOINT_DIRECTION)); } } /** * Processes the "text" part of the field model i.e. label, description, help * * @param context The context * @param field The field to be processed * @param fieldDefinition The definition of the field to be processed * @param fieldConfig The configuration of the field to be processed * @throws JSONException */ protected void processFieldText(ModelContext context, Field field, JSONObject fieldDefinition, FormField fieldConfig) throws JSONException { // set the initial label and description from the field definition, if present if (fieldDefinition != null) { if (fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_LABEL)) { field.setLabel(fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_LABEL)); } if (fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_DESCRIPTION)) { field.setDescription(fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_DESCRIPTION)); } } if (fieldConfig != null) { // process configured label String configLabel = null; if (fieldConfig.getLabelId() != null) { configLabel = retrieveMessage(fieldConfig.getLabelId()); } else if (fieldConfig.getLabel() != null) { configLabel = fieldConfig.getLabel(); } if (configLabel != null) { field.setLabel(configLabel); } // process configured description String configDesc = null; if (fieldConfig.getDescriptionId() != null) { configDesc = retrieveMessage(fieldConfig.getDescriptionId()); } else if (fieldConfig.getDescription() != null) { configDesc = fieldConfig.getDescription(); } if (configDesc != null) { field.setDescription(configDesc); } // process configured help text String configHelp = null; if (fieldConfig.getHelpTextId() != null) { configHelp = retrieveMessage(fieldConfig.getHelpTextId()); } else if (fieldConfig.getHelpText() != null) { configHelp = fieldConfig.getHelpText(); } if (configHelp != null) { field.setHelp(configHelp); } // Only override the default value if explicitly specified in the config if (fieldConfig.getHelpEncodeHtml() != null) { field.setHelpEncodeHtml(fieldConfig.getHelpEncodeHtml().equalsIgnoreCase("true")); } } } /** * Processes the "data" part of the field model. * * @param context The context * @param field The field to be processed * @param fieldDefinition The definition of the field to be processed * @param fieldConfig The configuration of the field to be processed * @throws JSONException */ protected void processFieldData(ModelContext context, Field field, JSONObject fieldDefinition, FormField fieldConfig) throws JSONException { if (fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_DATA_TYPE)) { field.setDataType(fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_DATA_TYPE)); } if (fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_ENDPOINT_TYPE)) { field.setDataType(fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_ENDPOINT_TYPE)); } field.setDataKeyName(fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_DATA_KEY_NAME)); field.setValue(""); // extract the data for the field from the 'formData' JSON object JSONObject formDefinition = context.getFormDefinition().getJSONObject(MODEL_DATA); if (formDefinition.has(MODEL_FORM_DATA)) { JSONObject formData = formDefinition.getJSONObject(MODEL_FORM_DATA); if (formData.has(field.getDataKeyName())) { field.setValue(formData.get(field.getDataKeyName())); } } // if the value is still empty, we're in create mode and the // field has a default value use it for initial value if (field.getValue().equals("") && context.getMode().equals(Mode.CREATE) && fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_DEFAULT_VALUE)) { field.setValue(fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_DEFAULT_VALUE)); } if (fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_INDEX_TOKENISATION_MODE)) { if (fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_INDEX_TOKENISATION_MODE).toUpperCase().equals("FALSE")) { field.setIndexTokenisationMode(fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_INDEX_TOKENISATION_MODE)); } } } /** * Processes the constraints for the field. * * NOTE: This method MUST be called with the Field object having it's * identification, state and text already processed. * * @param context The context * @param field The field to be processed * @param fieldDefinition The definition of the field to be processed * @param fieldConfig The configuration of the field to be processed * @throws JSONException */ protected void processFieldConstraints(ModelContext context, Field field, JSONObject fieldDefinition, FormField fieldConfig) throws JSONException { // setup mandatory constraint if field is marked as such if (!field.isDisabled()) { if (field.isMandatory()) { Constraint constraint = generateConstraintModel(context, field, fieldDefinition, fieldConfig, CONSTRAINT_MANDATORY); if (constraint != null) { // add the constraint to the context context.getConstraints().add(constraint); } } if (fieldConfig != null && fieldConfig.getConstraintDefinitionMap() != null) { // add form constraints defined in custom config Map<String, ConstraintHandlerDefinition> fieldConstraints = fieldConfig.getConstraintDefinitionMap(); for (String constraintId : fieldConstraints.keySet()) { Constraint constraint = null; // get the custom handler for the constraint ConstraintHandlerDefinition customConstraintConfig = fieldConstraints.get(constraintId); if (customConstraintConfig != null) { // generate and process the constraint model constraint = generateConstraintModel(context, field, fieldConfig, constraintId, new JSONObject(), customConstraintConfig); } if (constraint != null) { // add the constraint to the context context.getConstraints().add(constraint); } } } } // look for model defined constraints on the field definition if (fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_CONSTRAINTS)) { JSONArray constraints = fieldDefinition.getJSONArray(MODEL_CONSTRAINTS); for (int x = 0; x < constraints.length(); x++) { Constraint constraint = generateConstraintModel(context, field, fieldDefinition, fieldConfig, constraints.getJSONObject(x)); if (constraint != null) { // add the constraint to the context context.getConstraints().add(constraint); } } } // add a number constraint if the field has a number data type String dataType = field.getDataType(); Map<String, ConstraintHandlerDefinition> constraintDefinitionMap = (fieldConfig == null) ? null : fieldConfig.getConstraintDefinitionMap(); if (isConstraintHandlerExist(constraintDefinitionMap, CONSTRAINT_NUMBER) ||isDataTypeNumber(dataType)) { Constraint constraint = generateConstraintModel(context, field, fieldDefinition, fieldConfig, CONSTRAINT_NUMBER); if (constraint != null) { // if the field is repeating add a flag to indicate this // so the client side validation handler can take the appropriate action if (field.isRepeating()) { constraint.getJSONParams().put("repeating", true); } // add the constraint to the context context.getConstraints().add(constraint); } } } private boolean isConstraintHandlerExist(Map<String, ConstraintHandlerDefinition> constraintDefinitionMap, String constraint) { if (constraintDefinitionMap != null) { return constraintDefinitionMap.containsKey(constraint); } return false; } private boolean isDataTypeNumber(String dataType) { if (TYPE_INT.equals(dataType) ||TYPE_LONG.equals(dataType) ||TYPE_DOUBLE.equals(dataType) ||TYPE_FLOAT.equals(dataType)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Generates the model for a single constraint. * * @param context The context * @param field The field to be processed * @param fieldDefinition The definition of the field to be processed * @param fieldConfig The configuration of the field to be processed * @param constraintId The constraint identifier * @return Constraint * @throws JSONException */ protected Constraint generateConstraintModel(ModelContext context, Field field, JSONObject fieldDefinition, FormField fieldConfig, String constraintId) throws JSONException { // create a JSONObject containing the constraint id JSONObject constraintDef = new JSONObject(); constraintDef.put(MODEL_TYPE, constraintId); // generate the constraint model return generateConstraintModel(context, field, fieldDefinition, fieldConfig, constraintDef); } /** * Generates the model for a single constraint. * * @param context The context * @param field The field to be processed * @param fieldDefinition The definition of the field to be processed * @param fieldConfig The configuration of the field to be processed * @param constraintDefinition The constraint definition * @return Constraint * @throws JSONException */ protected Constraint generateConstraintModel(ModelContext context, Field field, JSONObject fieldDefinition, FormField fieldConfig, JSONObject constraintDefinition) throws JSONException { Constraint constraint = null; String constraintId = null; JSONObject constraintParams = null; // extract the constraint id if (constraintDefinition.has(MODEL_TYPE)) { constraintId = constraintDefinition.getString(MODEL_TYPE); } if (constraintDefinition.has(MODEL_PARAMETERS)) { constraintParams = constraintDefinition.getJSONObject(MODEL_PARAMETERS); } else { constraintParams = new JSONObject(); } // retrieve the default constraints configuration ConstraintHandlersConfigElement defaultConstraintHandlers = null; FormsConfigElement formsGlobalConfig = (FormsConfigElement)this.configService.getGlobalConfig().getConfigElement(CONFIG_FORMS); if (formsGlobalConfig != null) { defaultConstraintHandlers = formsGlobalConfig.getConstraintHandlers(); } if (defaultConstraintHandlers == null) { throw new WebScriptException("Failed to locate default constraint handlers configurarion"); } // get the default handler for the constraint ConstraintHandlerDefinition defaultConstraintConfig = defaultConstraintHandlers.getItems().get(constraintId); if (defaultConstraintConfig != null) { // generate and process the constraint model constraint = generateConstraintModel(context, field, fieldConfig, constraintId, constraintParams, defaultConstraintConfig); processFieldConstraintControl(context, field, fieldConfig, constraint); processFieldConstraintHelp(context, field, fieldConfig, constraint); } else if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("No default constraint configuration found for \"" + constraintId + "\" constraint whilst processing field \"" + field.getConfigName() + "\""); } return constraint; } /** * Generates the model for a single constraint. * * @param context The context * @param field The field to be processed * @param fieldConfig The configuration of the field to be processed * @param constraintId The constraint identifier * @param constraintParams The constraint parameters * @param defaultConstraintConfig ConstraintHandlerDefinition * @return The constraint moel * @throws JSONException */ protected Constraint generateConstraintModel(ModelContext context, Field field, FormField fieldConfig, String constraintId, JSONObject constraintParams, ConstraintHandlerDefinition defaultConstraintConfig) throws JSONException { // get the validation handler from the config String validationHandler = defaultConstraintConfig.getValidationHandler(); Constraint constraint = new Constraint(field.getId(), constraintId, validationHandler, constraintParams); if (defaultConstraintConfig.getEvent() != null) { constraint.setEvent(defaultConstraintConfig.getEvent()); } else { constraint.setEvent(DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT_EVENT); } // look for an overridden message in the field's constraint config, // if none found look in the default constraint config String constraintMsg = null; if (fieldConfig != null && fieldConfig.getConstraintDefinitionMap().get(constraintId) != null) { ConstraintHandlerDefinition fieldConstraintConfig = fieldConfig.getConstraintDefinitionMap().get(constraintId); if (fieldConstraintConfig.getMessageId() != null) { constraintMsg = retrieveMessage(fieldConstraintConfig.getMessageId()); } else if (fieldConstraintConfig.getMessage() != null) { constraintMsg = fieldConstraintConfig.getMessage(); } // look for overridden validation handler if (fieldConstraintConfig.getValidationHandler() != null) { constraint.setValidationHandler(fieldConstraintConfig.getValidationHandler()); } // look for overridden event if (fieldConstraintConfig.getEvent() != null) { constraint.setEvent(fieldConstraintConfig.getEvent()); } } else if (defaultConstraintConfig.getMessageId() != null) { constraintMsg = retrieveMessage(defaultConstraintConfig.getMessageId()); } else if (defaultConstraintConfig.getMessage() != null) { constraintMsg = defaultConstraintConfig.getMessage(); } if (constraintMsg == null) { constraintMsg = retrieveMessage(validationHandler + ".message"); } // add the message if there is one if (constraintMsg != null) { constraint.setMessage(constraintMsg); } return constraint; } /** * Processes the given constraint to ensure the field's control * adheres to the constraint. * * @param context The context * @param field The field to be processed * @param fieldConfig The configuration of the field to be processed * @param constraint The constraint * @throws JSONException */ protected void processFieldConstraintControl(ModelContext context, Field field, FormField fieldConfig, Constraint constraint) throws JSONException { // process special constraint behaviour if (CONSTRAINT_LIST.equals(constraint.getId())) { // if the constraint is the list of values constraint, force the control // template to be selectone.ftl or selectmany.ftl depending on whether // the field has multiple values, but only if an overridden control has // not been supplied if (fieldConfig == null || fieldConfig.getControl() == null || fieldConfig.getControl().getTemplate() == null) { if (field.isRepeating()) { field.getControl().setTemplate(CONTROL_SELECT_MANY); } else { field.getControl().setTemplate(CONTROL_SELECT_ONE); } } // setup the options string and set as control params, but only if the control // does not already have an "options" parameter if (field.getControl().getParams().containsKey(CONTROL_PARAM_OPTIONS) == false) { JSONArray options = constraint.getJSONParams().getJSONArray("allowedValues"); List<String> optionsList = new ArrayList<String>(options.length()); for (int x = 0; x < options.length(); x++) { optionsList.add(options.getString(x)); } // Sort the options based on the label... if (fieldConfig != null && fieldConfig.isSorted()) { Collections.sort(optionsList, new OptionsComparator()); } // ALF-7961: don't use a comma as the list separator field.getControl().getParams().put(CONTROL_PARAM_OPTIONS, StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(optionsList, DELIMITER)); field.getControl().getParams().put(CONTROL_PARAM_OPTION_SEPARATOR, DELIMITER); } } else if (CONSTRAINT_LENGTH.equals(constraint.getId())) { int maxLength = -1; if (constraint.getJSONParams().has(MODEL_MAX_LENGTH)) { maxLength = constraint.getJSONParams().getInt(MODEL_MAX_LENGTH); } // if the constraint is the length constraint, pass the maxLength // parameter to the control if appropriate if (maxLength != -1) { field.getControl().getParams().put("maxLength", Integer.toString(maxLength)); // set the crop argument to true so that textareas also restrict characters constraint.getJSONParams().put("crop", true); } } else if (CONSTRAINT_REGEX.equals(constraint.getId())) { // if the cm:name property is being processed switch the validation handler // to the JavaScript specific nodeName handler. if (CM_NAME_PROP.equals(field.getName())) { constraint.setValidationHandler(CONSTRAINT_FILE_NAME_HANDLER); constraint.setJSONParams(new JSONObject()); } } } /** * Processes the given constraint to add help text to the field's control * if relevant. * * @param context The context * @param field The field to be processed * @param fieldConfig The configuration of the field to be processed * @param constraint The constraint * @throws JSONException */ protected void processFieldConstraintHelp(ModelContext context, Field field, FormField fieldConfig, Constraint constraint) throws JSONException { // add help text appropriate for the constraint, but only if the // field doesn't already have any help text set if (field.getHelp() == null) { if (CONSTRAINT_LENGTH.equals(constraint.getId())) { String text = retrieveMessage(CONSTRAINT_MSG_LENGTH, constraint.getJSONParams().getInt("minLength"), constraint.getJSONParams().getInt("maxLength")); field.setHelp(text); } else if (CONSTRAINT_MINMAX.equals(constraint.getId())) { String text = retrieveMessage(CONSTRAINT_MSG_MINMAX, constraint.getJSONParams().getInt("minValue"), constraint.getJSONParams().getInt("maxValue")); field.setHelp(text); } else if (CONSTRAINT_NUMBER.equals(constraint.getId())) { field.setHelp(retrieveMessage(CONSTRAINT_MSG_NUMBER)); } } } /** * Processes the control for the field. * * @param context The context * @param field The field to be processed * @param fieldDefinition The definition of the field to be processed * @param fieldConfig The configuration of the field to be processed * @throws JSONException */ protected void processFieldControl(ModelContext context, Field field, JSONObject fieldDefinition, FormField fieldConfig) throws JSONException { FieldControl control = null; // retrieve the default controls configuration DefaultControlsConfigElement defaultControls = null; FormsConfigElement formsGlobalConfig = (FormsConfigElement)this.configService.getGlobalConfig().getConfigElement(CONFIG_FORMS); if (formsGlobalConfig != null) { defaultControls = formsGlobalConfig.getDefaultControls(); } // ensure we found the default controls config if (defaultControls == null) { throw new WebScriptException("Failed to locate default controls configuration"); } boolean isPropertyField = !ASSOCIATION.equals(fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_TYPE)); Control defaultControlConfig = null; if (isPropertyField) { // get the default control for the property data type defaultControlConfig = defaultControls.getItems().get( fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_DATA_TYPE)); // for backwards compatibility also check d:<dataType> if (defaultControlConfig == null) { defaultControlConfig = defaultControls.getItems().get( OLD_DATA_TYPE_PREFIX + fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_DATA_TYPE)); } } else { // look for a specific type based default control for associations defaultControlConfig = defaultControls.getItems().get( ASSOCIATION + ":" + fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_ENDPOINT_TYPE)); // get the generic default control for associations if a type specific one was not found if (defaultControlConfig == null) { defaultControlConfig = defaultControls.getItems().get(ASSOCIATION); } } // see if the fieldConfig already has a template defined, if not // retrieve the default template for the field's data type if (fieldConfig != null && fieldConfig.getControl() != null && fieldConfig.getControl().getTemplate() != null) { control = new FieldControl(fieldConfig.getControl().getTemplate()); } else { if (defaultControlConfig != null) { control = new FieldControl(defaultControlConfig.getTemplate()); } else if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { if (isPropertyField) { logger.warn("No default control found for data type \"" + fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_DATA_TYPE) + "\" whilst processing field \"" + fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_NAME) + "\""); } else { logger.warn("No default control found for associations" + "\" whilst processing field \"" + fieldDefinition.getString(MODEL_NAME) + "\""); } } } // send any type parameters returned from the server to the control if (isPropertyField && control != null && fieldDefinition.has(MODEL_DATA_TYPE_PARAMETERS)) { control.getParams().put(MODEL_DATA_TYPE_PARAMETERS, fieldDefinition.get(MODEL_DATA_TYPE_PARAMETERS).toString()); } // get control parameters for the default control (if there is one) if (defaultControlConfig != null && control != null) { List<ControlParam> paramsConfig = defaultControlConfig.getParamsAsList(); for (ControlParam param : paramsConfig) { control.getParams().put(param.getName(), param.getValue()); } } // get overridden control parameters (if there are any) if (fieldConfig != null && control != null) { List<ControlParam> paramsConfig = fieldConfig.getControl().getParamsAsList(); for (ControlParam param : paramsConfig) { control.getParams().put(param.getName(), param.getValue()); } } // finally set the control model on the field model field.setControl(control); } /** * Processes the field for content. This method is used when a content field * is being used in a form where JavaScript is disabled and thus AJAX is * unavailable to retrieve the content, it must therefore be done server side. * * @param context The context * @param field The field to be processed * @param fieldDefinition The definition of the field to be processed * @param fieldConfig The configuration of the field to be processed * @throws JSONException */ protected void processFieldContent(ModelContext context, Field field, JSONObject fieldDefinition, FormField fieldConfig) throws JSONException { // if the field is a content field and JavaScript is disabled // we need to retrieve the content here and store in model if (context.getFormUIModel().get(MODEL_CAPABILITIES) != null && "content".equals(field.getDataType())) { // NOTE: In the future when other capabilties are added the 'javascript' // flag will need to be checked, for now it's the only reason // the capabilities object will be present so a check is redundant if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Retrieving content for \"" + field.getConfigName() + "\" as JavaScript is disabled"); // get the nodeRef of the content and then the content itself String nodeRef = getParameter(context.getRequest(), "itemId"); try { ConnectorService connService = FrameworkUtil.getConnectorService(); RequestContext requestContext = ThreadLocalRequestContext.getRequestContext(); String currentUserId = requestContext.getUserId(); HttpSession currentSession = ServletUtil.getSession(true); Connector connector = connService.getConnector(ENDPOINT_ID, currentUserId, currentSession); // call the form service Response response ="/api/node/content/" + nodeRef.replace("://", "/")); if (response.getStatus().getCode() == Status.STATUS_OK) { field.setContent(response.getText()); } } catch (Exception e) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) logger.error("Failed to get field content: ", e); } } } /** * Generates the "error" model used when an error occurs. * * @param errorResponse Response object representing the error * @return The "error" model */ protected Map<String, Object> generateErrorModel(Response errorResponse) { return generateErrorModel(errorResponse, null); } /** * Generates the "error" model used when an error occurs. * * @param errorResponse Response object representing the error * @param errorKey String * @return The "error" model */ protected Map<String, Object> generateErrorModel(Response errorResponse, String errorKey) { String error = ""; // retrieve and log the error try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(errorResponse.getResponse())); if (json.has(MODEL_MESSAGE)) { error = json.getString(MODEL_MESSAGE); // Common AccessDeniedException is reported as a 500 server error from the repository if ((error.indexOf("") == -1) && (errorKey == null || errorKey.isEmpty())) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) logger.error(error); } } } catch (JSONException je) { error= ""; } if (errorKey == null || errorKey.isEmpty()) { errorKey = MSG_DEFAULT_FORM_ERROR; } String id = errorKey + "." + errorResponse.getStatus().getCode(); error = retrieveMessage(id); if (error.equals(id)) { // use key if key+"."+status is not found error = retrieveMessage(errorKey); } // create model with error Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(1); model.put(MODEL_ERROR, error); return model; } /** * Dumps the given form UI model to debug output (when debug is enabled). * * @param model The form UI model to dump */ protected void dumpFormUIModel(Map<String, Object> model) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("formUIModel = " + dumpMap(model, INDENT)); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected String dumpMap(Map<String, Object> map, String indent) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); // start builder.append("\n"); if (indent.length() > INDENT.length()) { builder.append(indent.substring(INDENT.length())); } builder.append("{"); // name & values boolean firstKey = true; for (String key : map.keySet()) { if (firstKey) firstKey = false; else builder.append(","); builder.append("\n"); builder.append(indent); builder.append(key); builder.append(": "); Object value = map.get(key); if (value instanceof String) { builder.append("\""); builder.append(value); builder.append("\""); } else if (value instanceof Map) { builder.append(dumpMap((Map)value, indent + INDENT)); } else if (value instanceof List) { boolean firstItem = true; builder.append("\n").append(INDENT).append("["); for (Object item : ((List)value)) { if (firstItem) firstItem = false; else builder.append(","); builder.append("\n").append(INDENT).append(INDENT); builder.append(item); } builder.append("\n").append(INDENT).append("]"); } else { builder.append(value); } } // end builder.append("\n"); if (indent.length() > INDENT.length()) { builder.append(indent.substring(INDENT.length())); } builder.append("}"); return builder.toString(); } /** * Inner class used to hold all the context required to generate the model * and the model itself. * * <br/><br/>author Gavin Cornwell */ protected class ModelContext { private Map<String, Object> formUIModel; private Map<String, JSONObject> propDefs; private Map<String, JSONObject> assocDefs; private WebScriptRequest request; private Mode mode; private JSONObject formDefinition; private FormConfigElement formConfig; private List<Constraint> constraints; private List<Element> structure; private Map<String, Field> fields; protected ModelContext(WebScriptRequest request, Mode mode, JSONObject formDefinition, FormConfigElement formConfig) { this.request = request; this.mode = mode; this.formDefinition = formDefinition; this.formConfig = formConfig; cacheFieldDefinitions(); } public void cacheFieldDefinitions() { this.propDefs = new HashMap<String, JSONObject>(8); this.assocDefs = new HashMap<String, JSONObject>(8); try { JSONObject data = this.formDefinition.getJSONObject(MODEL_DATA); JSONObject definition = data.getJSONObject(MODEL_DEFINITION); JSONArray fields = definition.getJSONArray(MODEL_FIELDS); for (int x = 0; x < fields.length(); x++) { JSONObject fieldDef = fields.getJSONObject(x); if (fieldDef.getString(MODEL_TYPE).equals(PROPERTY)) { this.propDefs.put(fieldDef.getString(MODEL_NAME), fieldDef); } else if (fieldDef.getString(MODEL_TYPE).equals(ASSOCIATION)) { this.assocDefs.put(fieldDef.getString(MODEL_NAME), fieldDef); } } } catch (JSONException je) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) logger.error("Failed to cache field definitions", je); } } public void setFormUIModel(Map<String, Object> formUIModel) { this.formUIModel = formUIModel; } public Map<String, Object> getFormUIModel() { return this.formUIModel; } public Map<String, JSONObject> getPropertyDefinitions() { return this.propDefs; } public Map<String, JSONObject> getAssociationDefinitions() { return this.assocDefs; } public WebScriptRequest getRequest() { return this.request; } public Mode getMode() { return this.mode; } public JSONObject getFormDefinition() { return this.formDefinition; } public FormConfigElement getFormConfig() { return this.formConfig; } public List<Constraint> getConstraints() { if (this.constraints == null) { this.constraints = new ArrayList<Constraint>(2); } return this.constraints; } public List<Element> getStructure() { if (this.structure == null) { this.structure = new ArrayList<Element>(4); } return this.structure; } public Map<String, Field> getFields() { if (this.fields == null) { this.fields = new HashMap<String, Field>(8); } return this.fields; } } /** * Base inner class to represent form elements i.e a field or set * * NOTE: This class has to be public for the template engine to * access the object correctly. * * <br/><br/>author Gavin Cornwell */ public abstract class Element { protected String kind; protected String id; public String getKind() { return this.kind; } public String getId() { return; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(this.kind); builder.append("("); builder.append(; builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); } } /** * Represents a pointer to a field, used in the form UI model. */ public class FieldPointer extends Element { FieldPointer(String id) { this.kind = FIELD; = id; } } /** * Represents a set of fields and/or nested sets. */ public class Set extends Element { protected String appearance; protected String template; protected String label; protected List<Element> children; Set(FormSet setConfig) { this.kind = SET; = setConfig.getSetId(); this.appearance = setConfig.getAppearance(); this.template = setConfig.getTemplate(); this.label = discoverSetLabel(setConfig); this.children = new ArrayList<Element>(4); } Set(String id, String label) { this.kind = SET; = id; this.label = label; this.children = new ArrayList<Element>(1); } public void addChild(Element child) { this.children.add(child); } public String getAppearance() { return this.appearance; } public String getTemplate() { return this.template; } public String getLabel() { return this.label; } public List<Element> getChildren() { return this.children; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append(this.kind); buffer.append("(id=").append(; buffer.append(" appearance=").append(this.appearance); buffer.append(" label=").append(this.label); buffer.append(" template=").append(this.template); buffer.append(" children=["); boolean first = true; for (Element child : this.children) { if (first) first = false; else buffer.append(", "); buffer.append(child); } buffer.append("])"); return buffer.toString(); } } /** * Represents a field on a form. */ public class Field extends Element { protected String name; protected String configName; protected String label; protected String description; protected String help; protected boolean helpEncodeHtml = true; protected FieldControl control; protected String dataKeyName; protected String dataType; protected String type; protected String content; protected String endpointDirection; protected Object value; protected boolean disabled = false; protected boolean mandatory = false; protected boolean transitory = false; protected boolean repeating = false; protected String indexTokenisationMode; Field() { this.kind = FIELD; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getConfigName() { return this.configName; } public void setConfigName(String configName) { this.configName = configName; } public FieldControl getControl() { return this.control; } public void setControl(FieldControl control) { this.control = control; } public String getDataKeyName() { return this.dataKeyName; } public void setDataKeyName(String dataKeyName) { this.dataKeyName = dataKeyName; } public String getDataType() { return this.dataType; } public void setDataType(String dataType) { this.dataType = dataType; } public String getDescription() { return this.description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public boolean isDisabled() { return this.disabled; } public void setDisabled(boolean disabled) { this.disabled = disabled; } public String getLabel() { return this.label; } public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } public boolean isMandatory() { return this.mandatory; } public void setMandatory(boolean mandatory) { this.mandatory = mandatory; } public boolean isTransitory() { return this.transitory; } public void setTransitory(boolean transitory) { this.transitory = transitory; } public String getName() { return; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public boolean isRepeating() { return this.repeating; } public void setRepeating(boolean repeating) { this.repeating = repeating; } public String getType() { return this.type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public Object getValue() { return this.value; } public void setValue(Object value) { this.value = value; } public String getContent() { return this.content; } public void setContent(String content) { this.content = content; } public String getHelp() { return; } public void setHelp(String help) { = help; } public boolean getHelpEncodeHtml() { return this.helpEncodeHtml; } public void setHelpEncodeHtml(boolean encode) { this.helpEncodeHtml = encode; } public String getEndpointDirection() { return this.endpointDirection; } public void setEndpointDirection(String endpointDirection) { this.endpointDirection = endpointDirection; } public String getEndpointType() { return getDataType(); } public boolean isEndpointMandatory() { return this.mandatory; } public boolean isEndpointMany() { return this.repeating; } public String getIndexTokenisationMode() { return indexTokenisationMode; } public void setIndexTokenisationMode(String indexTokenisationMode) { this.indexTokenisationMode = indexTokenisationMode; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append(this.kind); buffer.append("(id=").append(; buffer.append(" name=").append(; buffer.append(" configName=").append(this.configName); buffer.append(" type=").append(this.type); buffer.append(" value=").append(this.value); buffer.append(" label=").append(this.label); buffer.append(" description=").append(this.description); buffer.append(" help=").append(; buffer.append(" helpEncodeHtml=").append(this.helpEncodeHtml); buffer.append(" dataKeyName=").append(this.dataKeyName); buffer.append(" dataType=").append(this.dataType); buffer.append(" endpointDirection=").append(this.endpointDirection); buffer.append(" disabled=").append(this.disabled); buffer.append(" mandatory=").append(this.mandatory); buffer.append(" repeating=").append(this.repeating); buffer.append(" transitory=").append(this.transitory); buffer.append(" indexTokenisationMode=").append(this.indexTokenisationMode); buffer.append(" ").append(this.control); buffer.append(")"); return buffer.toString(); } } /** * Represents the control used by a form field. */ public class FieldControl { protected String template; protected Map<String, String> params; FieldControl(String template) { this.template = template; this.params = new HashMap<String, String>(4); } public String getTemplate() { return this.template; } public void setTemplate(String template) { this.template = template; } public Map<String, String> getParams() { return this.params; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("control(template=").append(this.template); buffer.append(" params=").append(this.params); buffer.append(")"); return buffer.toString(); } } /** * Represents a field constraint. */ public class Constraint { private String fieldId; private String id; private String validationHandler; private JSONObject params; private String message; private String event; Constraint(String fieldId, String id, String handler, JSONObject params) { this.fieldId = fieldId; = id; this.validationHandler = handler; this.params = params; } public String getFieldId() { return this.fieldId; } public String getId() { return; } public String getValidationHandler() { return this.validationHandler; } public void setValidationHandler(String validationHandler) { this.validationHandler = validationHandler; } /** * Returns the parameters formatted as a JSON string. * * @return String */ public String getParams() { if (this.params == null) { this.params = new JSONObject(); } return this.params.toString(); } public JSONObject getJSONParams() { return this.params; } public void setJSONParams(JSONObject params) { this.params = params; } public String getMessage() { return this.message; } public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public String getEvent() { return this.event; } public void setEvent(String event) { this.event = event; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("constraint(fieldId=").append(this.fieldId); buffer.append(" id=").append(; buffer.append(" validationHandler=").append(this.validationHandler); buffer.append(" event=").append(this.event); buffer.append(" message=").append(this.message); buffer.append(")"); return buffer.toString(); } } /** * Helper class used to retrieve localized messages. */ protected class MessageHelper extends AbstractMessageHelper { public MessageHelper(WebScript webscript) { super(webscript); } public String get(final String id, final Object... args) { return this.resolveMessage(id, args); } } }form.get.html.ftl
<@standalone> <@markup id="css" > <#include "form.css.ftl"/> </@> <@markup id="js"> <#include "form.js.ftl"/> </@> <@markup id="widgets"> <@createWidgets/> </@> <@markup id="html"> <@uniqueIdDiv> <#import "form.lib.ftl" as formLib /> <#if error?exists>${error}<#elseif form?exists> <#assign formId=args.htmlid?js_string?html + "-form"> <#assign formUI><#if args.formUI??>${args.formUI}<#else>true</#if></#assign> <#if form.viewTemplate?? && form.mode == "view"> <#include "${form.viewTemplate}" /> <#elseif form.editTemplate?? && form.mode == "edit"> <#include "${form.editTemplate}" /> <#elseif form.createTemplate?? && form.mode == "create"> <#include "${form.createTemplate}" /> <#else> <#if formUI == "true"> <@formLib.renderFormsRuntime formId=formId /> </#if> <@formLib.renderFormContainer formId=formId> <#list form.structure as item> <#if item.kind == "set"> <#if item.children?size > 0> <@formLib.renderSet set=item /> </#if> <#else> <@formLib.renderField field=form.fields[] /> </#if> </#list> </@> </#if> <#else>${msg("form.not.present")}</#if> </@> </@> </@>
The core part for form engine start with the line number 16 in above file.It is importing the free marker library form.lib.ftl, which contains the macros for rendering the form.Whenever the form is opened in alfresco share, there are some parameters in it.One of the important parameter which is getting passed is form mode.Based on the mode of form, it is rendering the form.If the mode is view it will only render the field name and values.How it will render this field name and field value , that is dependent on the field template.Based on passed form.mode parameter, which is passed while opening form, it will include the template.If the template is defined inside form configuration, then it will take that template.This is executed from line 25 to 47.
Last else part (@ line 31), contains the interesting code.This is what it is rendering if there is no custom template defined inside the form configuration.It is calling the freemarker macros defined inside the form.lib.ftl. This line <@formLib.renderFormContainer formId=formId> will render the form container div element.
form.js.ftl and form.css.ftl
Includes all the css and javascript dependancies.*
Configurations for I18N.
form.lib.ftl contains the freemarker macros which are helpfull in rendering the form.Let's have look on each macro.
Macor renderFormsRuntime , is creating an object of Alfresco.FormUI. There are certain parameters ,which is getting initialized after it creates an object of FormUI.
<#macro renderFormsRuntime formId> <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ new Alfresco.FormUI("${formId}", "${args.htmlid?js_string}").setOptions( { mode: "${form.mode}", <#if form.mode == "view"> arguments: { itemKind: "${(form.arguments.itemKind!"")?js_string}", itemId: "${(form.arguments.itemId!"")?js_string}", formId: "${(form.arguments.formId!"")?js_string}" } <#else> enctype: "${form.enctype}", fields: [ <#list form.fields?keys as field> { id : "${form.fields[field].id?js_string}" } <#if field_has_next>,</#if> </#list> ], fieldConstraints: [ <#list form.constraints as constraint> { fieldId : "${args.htmlid?js_string}_${constraint.fieldId}", handler : ${constraint.validationHandler}, params : ${constraint.params}, event : "${constraint.event}", message : <#if constraint.message??>"${constraint.message?js_string}"<#else>null</#if> } <#if constraint_has_next>,</#if> </#list> ], disableSubmitButton: <#if args.disableSubmitButton??>${args.disableSubmitButton?js_string}<#else>false</#if> </#if> }).setMessages( ${messages} ); //]]></script> </#macro>
Macor renderFormsRuntime , is creating an object of Alfresco.FormUI. There are certain parameters ,which is getting initialized after it creates an object of FormUI.
- mode: Mode of the form in which it will be opened.(Create,View,Edit).
- arguments: itemKind is used for locating form processor,itemId can be content type,aspect type or it can be something else based on value of itemKind.formId is id of form.
- enctype: encoding type of form
- fields:It will initialize all fields id in array.
- fieldConstraints:It will initialize all constraints, which are defined inside the form configurations(share-config-custom.xml).When user is submitting form,this all constrains are getting validated, In case of failure it will not submit form.
- diableSubmitButton: Self explanatory
<#macro renderFormContainer formId> <div id="${formId}-container" class="form-container"> <#if form.showCaption?? && form.showCaption> <div id="${formId}-caption" class="caption"><span class="mandatory-indicator">*</span>${msg("form.required.fields")}</div> </#if> <#if form.mode != "view"> <form id="${formId}" method="${form.method}" accept-charset="utf-8" enctype="${form.enctype}" action="${form.submissionUrl?html}"> </#if> <#if form.mode == "create" && form.destination?? && form.destination?length > 0> <input id="${formId}-destination" name="alf_destination" type="hidden" value="${form.destination?html}" /> </#if> <#if form.mode != "view" && form.redirect?? && form.redirect?length > 0> <input id="${formId}-redirect" name="alf_redirect" type="hidden" value="${form.redirect?html}" /> </#if> <div id="${formId}-fields" class="form-fields"> <#nested> </div> <#if form.mode != "view"> <@renderFormButtons formId=formId /> </form> </#if> </div> </#macro>renderFormContainer macro will render the form container.The only things which need to be explained will be the last condition.That is if the form mode is not view than we need to render submit and cancel button otherwise not.
<#macro renderFormButtons formId> <div id="${formId}-buttons" class="form-buttons"> <#if form.showSubmitButton?? && form.showSubmitButton> <input id="${formId}-submit" type="submit" value="${msg("form.button.submit.label")}" /> </#if> <#if form.showResetButton?? && form.showResetButton> <input id="${formId}-reset" type="reset" value="${msg("form.button.reset.label")}" /> </#if> <#if form.showCancelButton?? && form.showCancelButton> <input id="${formId}-cancel" type="button" value="${msg("form.button.cancel.label")}" /> </#if> </div> </#macro>This will render the form buttons.Generally there is no need of reset button.But if it requires then we can have it by passing parameter.
<#macro renderField field> <#if field.control?? && field.control.template??> <#assign fieldHtmlId=args.htmlid?html + "_" + > <#include "${field.control.template}" /> </#if> </#macro>This will render the field template which is defined inside the form configuration file.
<#macro renderSet set> <div class="set"> <#if set.appearance??> <#if set.appearance == "fieldset"> <fieldset><legend>${set.label}</legend> <#elseif set.appearance == "bordered-panel"> <div class="set-bordered-panel"> <div class="set-bordered-panel-heading">${set.label}</div> <div class="set-bordered-panel-body"> <#elseif set.appearance == "panel"> <div class="set-panel"> <div class="set-panel-heading">${set.label}</div> <div class="set-panel-body"> <#elseif set.appearance == "title"> <div class="set-title">${set.label}</div> <#elseif set.appearance == "whitespace"> <div class="set-whitespace"></div> </#if> </#if> <#if set.template??> <#include "${set.template}" /> <#else> <#list set.children as item> <#if item.kind == "set"> <@renderSet set=item /> <#else> <@renderField field=form.fields[] /> </#if> </#list> </#if> <#if set.appearance??> <#if set.appearance == "fieldset"> </fieldset> <#elseif set.appearance == "panel" || set.appearance == "bordered-panel"> </div> </div> </#if> </#if> </div> </#macro>
<#macro renderFieldHelp field> <#if && > 0> <span class="help-icon"> <img id="${fieldHtmlId}-help-icon" src="${url.context}/res/components/form/images/help.png" title="${msg("")}" tabindex="0"/> </span> <div class="help-text" id="${fieldHtmlId}-help"><#if field.helpEncodeHtml>${}<#else>${stringUtils.stripUnsafeHTML(}</#if></div> </#if> </#macro>
This will render helpicon on particular field.This macro is not used insde the form.get.html.ftl.It is used inside all the field template.
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