Alfresco SDK 3.0
Its been only just few days ,that alfresco SDK 3.0 has been released.There are few amazing changes on alfresco SDK and restructuring on resources.
After a little analysis on the same i found few important things on Alfresco SDK 3.0.0.

Hope this helps :).
After a little analysis on the same i found few important things on Alfresco SDK 3.0.0.
- In SDK 3.0 , there are not much more confrontational change for changing the database provider. There are few attributes defined in POM.xml. For each database provider like for H2 we need to set <enableH2> as true, for MySQL its <enableMySQL>. This attributes are defined under Configuration section of org.alfresco.maven.plugin plugin. For each configuration there are different properties file defined.See below image for the same. In the file SQLServer is configured.

- Second biggest change is moving of client side resources on share side in to the "\src\main\resources\META-INF\resources" folder. So all your JavaScript, CSS and other resources will be in this place, including your AIKAU widget.
- From now onwards, running an alfresco or share project will not require any profile to run the alfresco/share tomcat. Instead you need to specify argument as "alfresco:run" in both the project. Please read it carefully alfresco:run is not an maven profile. It’s just an argument.
- Hot deployment capabilities are much better now. Though we still need to add hotswap java agent for webscript refresh configuration. It is strange that for java hot deployment there is nothing to configure.
- I am still facing issues on hot reloading of client side resources. This is worst thing, i hope there will be something for the same. Still didn't figure out any solution.
- If an AMP deployment was a headache for you, than SDK 3.0 is having solution. It is providing a jar based deployment. You just need to create Jar archetype project and then you are ready for the jar deployment. Its been a great change I must say. It will help in many things. In terms of deployment and all.
- Till now I have just found this few things. I will keep this blog updated. For the changes which I found in Alfresco SDK 3.0.
Hope this helps :).