Alfresco Installation Steps
Alfresco Installation Steps (alfresco 4.2d)
If not already done, install the jdk on your machine.
a. Set the standard Environment Variables (JAVA_HOME, etc).
b. Set the non-standard Environment Variables (JAVA_OPTS).
Install OpenOffice.
1. Download alfresco and tomcat 7.0.42 or above.
2. Create Folder Named “Alfresco “
3. Put Tomcat inside Alfresco Folder.
4. Copy content of “alfresco-community-4.2c/bin” to “tomcat/bin”.
5. Copy “alfresco-community-4.2c/web-server/shared” &
“alfresco-community-4.2c/web-sserver/endorsed” folder into “tomcat ”
6. Copy files “alfresco.war “and “share.war” from “alfresco-community-4.2c/web-server/webapps” folder to “tomcat/webapps/”
7. Copy “mysql.jar”(your dbms driver file) inside “tomcat/lib”.
8. Open “Alfresco\Tomcat\shared\classes\” in notepad++.
9. Create database inside mysql,give that db name in ;
10. Uncomment from below line and set appropriate property to them
db.username=root //username of dbms user
db.password=root // password of dbms user
Here DBNAME is your mysql database name.
11. Open the “tomcat/conf/” file.
12. Change the value of the shared.loader= property to the following
13. Open the "D:\Alfresco\Tomcat\bin\catalina.bat" file.
append below line in “JAVA_OPTS” variable(it may be on line number 182)
-Xms512M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M